For a secured yield of your crops.

Insurance of crops and fruits
Don’t let natural disasters surprise you
Protected throughout the entire year
We have often witnessed changes in weather conditions and natural disasters, which inevitably cause damages to agricultural products. In addition to agrotechnical measures, insurance of agricultural production becomes a necessity in striving to protect finances. By insuring your crops and fruits, you protect your agricultural crops against numerous risks they’re exposed to, throughout the year.
What can you protect your crops and fruits from?
“DDOR Novi Sad” provides you with insurance of all agricultural crops:
- annual crops
- perennial crops
- main crops
- sub-crops
- stubble crops
Your crops and fruits can be insured:
- by a package of basic risk, whereby you will be indemnified in case of hail, fire and thunderbolt
- against supplementary risks of windstorm, spring and fall frost, flood, loss of seed quality, risk package after harvesting, i.e. gathering
You can also conclude special insurances:
- insurance of crops and fruits in glass and plastic houses
- insurance of fruit trees and grapevine to the moment of becoming fertile and in fertility
- insurance of fruit against loss of quality and quantity
- insurance of table grapes against loss of quantity and quality
- insurance of vegetables against loss of quantity and quality
- insurance against lack of soil moisture (drought) based on the application of the index
My benefits
- Premium for insurance of crops and fruits is paid on a deferred basis, after the completed harvest, i.e. gathering.
- Premium is paid to the sum insured established on the basis of expected yield per one hectare and price per one kg.