For the right direction of your business development.

Machinery breakdown insurance
Complete protection of production against unforeseen breakdowns
DDOR Novi Sad provides full protection of your production equipment. A quality insurance policy is the only true form of protection of your equipment against unforeseen breakdowns.
What can be insured under this policy?
This insurance practically covers: all machines, working devices and installations, within or outside of a building
The uniform premium rate ensures coverage for complete equipment, regardless of its diversity.
What is property insured against?
The answer is simple: against all risks, except for explicitly excluded occurrences, which do not even constitute risks – wear and tear, corrosion, etc.
The concept of insurance against all risks enables you to understand the insurance coverage which you have purchased, and makes claims handling more efficient.
Your equipment is insured during:
- regular use by yourself or when leased and used in regular work conditions,
- dismantling and installing for repairs, as well as during repairs.
Insurance also covers:
- clumsiness and negligence of your workers, as well as intentional gross negligence in causing damage,
- repairs and replacements of parts, which were discovered to be damaged during overhaul (provided that the effects in question are not gradual mechanical and chemical effects).
What is the value for which you will pay premium?
You will pay premium for the sum insured which, unless otherwise arranged with you, should equal the price of a new item of the same characteristics, including all dependent costs, decreased by depreciation.
It is possible to save on premium by eliminating frequent minor claims from the coverage. The policy will then provide coverage only for more complex and costly claims.
There is also the possibility of encumbering all claims to insurance by stipulating coverage without a deductible (your share in claims).
My benefits
- It is possible to arrange insurance coverage for costs of ground works and locating damage on installations, as well as for overtime work and work during holidays and on Sundays.
- Costs of preventing damage and clearing up the site of damage are covered by insurance.
- A bonus (discount) of up to 30% on premium for the upcoming period is available, for a good technical result in the previous three years (ratio of claims and technical premium).
- DDOR will also provide engineering assistance in terms of prevention, as well as expertise after the claim occurrence.