For the right direction of your business development.

Professional liability insurance of tourist agencies
Safety for you and your passengers
Both protection and obligation
DDOR Novi Sad enables you to fulfill your obligations towards passengers in case you were not able to carry out the stipulated and paid journeys due to your own insolvency, as well as obligations arising from professional liability of travel organizing business. This policy also enables you to fulfill your legal obligation required for operations of tourist agencies.
Coverage of passengers costs
Instead of you, DDOR Novi Sad will pay for the damages sustained by a passenger – by failing to fulfill the obligations of a travel organizer or fulfilling them partially or irregularly.
In case of travel organizer’s insolvency, DDOR Novi Sad will also settle the costs of necessary accommodation, food and returning of passengers to the place of departure in the country and abroad.
Fixed sum insured
Sum insured is stipulated to a fixed pecuniary amount and represents the total liability for the stipulated insurance period, which at the same time represents the maximum liability of DDOR per one insured event, regardless of the number of insured passengers.
DDOR Novi Sad will indemnify the passengers who sustained damages, within 14 days of the date when the ultimate liability and amount thereof have been determined.
If establishing the liability amount requires more time, DDOR will pay out the indisputable portion of its liability at the request of beneficiaries.
What you need to know
- Insolvency of the travel organizer implies inability to pay due liabilities in the maturity amount and date, and it includes financial blocking of the travel organizer, as well as inability to settle liabilities when the amount of liabilities exceeds the amount of assets at his disposal on bank accounts
- Insolvency is attested to by the decision on initiating bankruptcy proceedings or other certificate issued by the relevant state authority in which insolvency of the travel organizer is evidenced