DDOR took the 58th place in the prestigious Top 100 Employer Brands Serbia list for 2024/2025. year, in the competition with almost 450,000 employers. This news come in the same year when DDOR company won the Top Employer certificate for 2024, which further confirms its commitment to creating an optimal working environment.
The survey was conducted by the Employer Branding Agency, and included almost 5,000 respondents from the working-age population of Serbia, aged 18 to 65, with the goal to identify the best employer brands in various segments of the economy. DDOR achieved great results, 2nd place in the insurance category and 7th place in the financial sector. This is a significant recognition of DDOR company and its reputation as an employer.
These results represent a significant indicator of the growing reputation of DDOR Insurance as a trusted employer. A successful position is the result of the effort and teamwork of all employees, who are key to achieving the company’s goals.
The Chairman of the Executive Board, Mr. Francesco Masci, pointed out that this award is an incentive to continue in the same direction and clearly indicates that our reputation as an employer is getting better every year.
” We’re dead serious about trust and since trust is at the core of so many decisions that we make every day, this is not only one of the key hallmarks of our Company, but also the primary driver of the willingness of our clients and of our partners to work with us” he added.
DDOR is proud of the achieved results, and in the future it will continue to improve working conditions and opportunities for personal and professional development, in order to continue to be a respectable and reliable employer.