Olympic values in DDOR insurance

DDOR, the official Insurance of the Olympic Team of Serbia, collaborating with the Olympic Committee of Serbia, is a partner of a series of exhibitions dedicated to Olympic values, inspired by the Olympic movement, which combines sport with culture and education for the benefit of mankind.

The central exhibition entitled “The Path of True Values” is taking place in the Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris, it is organized by the Olympic Museum of Belgrade during the Olympic Games and it offers a glimpse on the exhibitions previously realized mutually by the Olympic Committee of Serbia and DDOR, namely the interactive exhibition “Olympic Games – more than sport” which recently ended in Belgrade Silos Cultural Center, as well as “Tokyo 2020 – Moments to Remember”, an outdoor exhibition in the center of Novi Sad, which is open until the end of the Olympic Games in Paris.
In addition, DDOR also hosts simultaneously exhibitions, in the newly renovated office space of DDOR’s headquarters in Novi Sad and in the headquarters in Belgrade.

The exhibitions in DDOR are equally intended for visitors and employees of DDOR, serving as a fresh reminder of the strategic role played by the partnership with the Olympic Committee of Serbia, primarily in the implementation of the values of the Olympic movement in the company’s values.

The theme of the exhibition in the premises of DDOR is Olympism in Serbia displaying various memorabilia, awards and documents that illustrate Serbia’s participation in the Olympic Games throughout history, as well as inspiring stories about athletes who have achieved significant success.

All these exhibitions uphold the true values promoted by Olympism and which are a testament to the values of our best athletes, the members of our society as well as DDOR endeavor: excellence, fairness, passion, commitment, respect for opponents, audiences, friendship, inspiration, but also striving to achieve personal and team goals through hard work, team work, dedication, determination and discipline.