Ensure that your golden age is safe and carefree.

24h Emergency Home Repairs + Home Assistance and Care
A friend at your door
It is often the case that on a Sunday, or during holidays, you experience a burst pipe, electrical failure, or a broken lock on your door.
What happens if your repairman is unavailable at that time, and your neighbor is away?
“DDOR Novi Sad” always thinks of you and your needs.
In cooperation with the world-renowned company Mondial Assistance, which provides professional intervention every two seconds for 250 million clients on five continents, “DDOR Novi Sad” offers you the possibility to conclude group and individual insurance 24h Emergency Home Repairs. As a special convenience for pensioners, “DDOR Novi Sad” prepared a package 24h Emergency Home Repairs + Home Assistance and Care.
24h Emergency Home Repairs
This insurance includes round-the-clock services of expert repairmen (arrival and services) in case of an emergency, up to EUR 200 per single insured event, cost coverage for the repair material in the amount of up to EUR 20, and costs of temporary accommodation, including transportation costs of up to EUR 500 should you find yourself incapable of living under your roof due to damage
Services covered:
- plumbing (malfunction or blockage inside water and sewage pipes);
- carpentry (damage or breakdown of your windows/doors caused by a break-in);
- locksmith (in case you lose your apartment/house key);
- glazing services;
- masonry and roofing;
- electrical services (electrical failure);
- heating units services (due to malfunction);
- air conditioning services (damage or malfunction inside a building structure);
- cleaning and drying in case of water leakage, flood or seepage of waste waters into the building structure.
Services are provided for the maximum of three emergencies per one insurance year.
Pensioners up to 85 years of age can enter this insurance, as well as citizens aged 60 to 85, who do not have the status of pensioners.
This insurance also includes the spouse living in the same household with the insured.
Home Assistance and Care
This insurance can be concluded as an addition to the 24h Emergency Home Repairs insurance.
The insurance includes:
- organization and cost coverage for home assistance and care after an accident that requires hospital treatment longer than 24h, or a broken bone or injured ligament – 4 hours a day, 6 weeks at the most, up to EUR 1,000 per one insured event;
- psychological counseling after the accident – via phone;
- organization of a visit to the insured and cost coverage for accommodation in Serbia for one relative, in case of hospital treatment longer than 72 hours due to the accident –3 nights at the most, up to EUR 600 per one insured event.
Providing a round-the-clock service, “DDOR Novi Sad” ensures the help of a skilled and authorized repairman for the service that you need.
For additional information contact Customer Center of “DDOR Novi Sad” at 021 480 2222, or visit the business premises of “DDOR Novi Sad” that are nearest to you.
In case you need emergency intervention or assistance, call Assistance Center at 021 450 455 or 011 228 0098.