Invest in your and your family’s safety. Ensure that your loved ones have a decent standard of living in the days when you are no longer able to actively contribute to the household budget. Insure your plans on time.
• save and be insured at the same time to the full sum – an exceptional form of saving and life insurance throughout the entire contract period;
• option to take out loans in form of advance payments, and still keep the coverage;
• option to conclude insurance rider that provides additional financial support when you need it most.

Insurance riders for additional safety:
• insurance against 10 critical illnesses* (cancer, heart attack, coronary by-pass surgery, renal failure, vital organ transplantation, paralysis, blindness, bacterial meningitis, and aortic surgery). This supplementary insurance will provide you with safety so that you may, if the need arises, efficiently start a fight against common and curable diseases, as funds for your treatment will be within your reach at the right moment.
*If one of the aforementioned illnesses is diagnosed for the first time during the insurance period, the insurer shall pay the insured sum stipulated for that.
• accident insurance (death due to accident, dismemberment, medical treatment costs, per diems). With this insurance rider, DDOR will provide you financial means in the event of an accident and make sure that you do not worry on the current increase in costs and decrease in income. In case of an accident, the following is paid: the insured sum in case of death or the sum proportional to the percentage of the established disability relative to the insured sum for disability, or the agreed daily benefit or refund of certain medical expenses.

Insurance terms and conditions:
• endowment insurance may be entered into by all those between 14 and 70 years of age, whereas insurance may be valid until 75 years of age
• minimum insurance period is 5 years and maximum 25 years
• premium payment may be stipulated as:
– monthly
– quarterly
– semi-annual
– annual or
– as a single sum
• premium amount and insurance period are chosen by the client, in line with his own needs and capabilities
• insurance may be stipulated in dinars or foreign currency.

We hereby notify you that company “DDOR Novi Sad” a.d.o. Novi Sad has generated profit from invested funds of the product ENDOWMENT INSURANCE (insurance in case of death and survival) in 2017.
Our company has provided a memo on allocation of profit to every client who concluded a contract on life insurance in case of death and survival – ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, provided that the policy was active or capitalised on 31.12.2017, with the aim of prompt notification of clients in line with legal provisions and insurance terms and conditions.
The notification presents, for each individual contract, the balance of profit share, i.e. the amount of the total accrued additional insured sum from the insurance inception.
We would especially like to mention that in the current conditions on the financial market, the achieved results are a confirmation of quality investments and management of assets of our clients who put their trust in us on a long term.
DDOR osiguranje, your companion through life!