Insurance for business free of unforeseen situations.

Medical professional liability insurance
Financial security for you and your patients
For those situations when errors happen
The program of medical professional liability insurance is intended for covering costs which arise in the event of professional liability of physicians and medical personnel for claims resulting from death, bodily injury, or deterioration of patients’ health, if they occurred due to a professional error.
Despite the maximum attention paid to treatment – omissions still occur.
“DDOR Novi Sad” will indemnify damage caused by physicians or medical personnel to patients during treatment through professional error, omission, negligent or unprofessional practice.
The sum insured
The sum insured is arranged in a fixed amount and represents the maximum obligations of insurers per insured case or during the period of insurance.
Additional service – legal protection
“DDOR Novi Sad” can also be of assistance by litigating in your name. DDOR Novi Sad will also assume the responsibility of issuing any statements in your name which are deemed to be expedient for gratification of or defense against unfounded or excessive claims.