Insurance for business free of unforeseen situations.

Professional liability insurance
Policy for business operations including protection of third parties
Risk is always present
Everything you do or have failed to do, represent a potential source of danger for third persons and their property. DDOR Novi Sad provides you financial protection in the event that your business operations incur damages to someone. This policy covers costs that you may have to carry in the capacity of a legal entity if you are found responsible for causing death, bodily injuries and deterioration of health, destruction or damages to the property of third parties. Instead of you, DDOR Novi Sad will pay the damages to the ones who hold you responsible for the damages they sustained, in line with the law.
Liable even when you are not aware of it
If your property, machine or an employee caused an injury or damaged or destroyed property of a third party, you can carry subjective liability – if the damage is your fault. If any of your property possesses detrimental features, which is usually true, you are liable even if you are not guilty (objective liability). Moreover, you may carry objective liability without even knowing it. Lack of knowledge does not exempt you from liability!
The principles of your liability are based on the Law on obligations and contracts and the complete legal framework connected to your operations. As a rule, court practice always takes the side of the weaker party and the court shall have no doubts with respect to your liability in terms of bodily injuries of third parties, e.g. ordinary citizens.
Even if you did nothing, you can still be held liable in case you failed to do something that resulted in creating a source of danger that may cause damage to someone.
What are you insured against?
The insurance covers your liability for damages arising from business operations or possession of certain property.
This includes liability arising from:
- use, possession, rent or usufruct of a real estate,
- use of elevators intended for the transport of persons and weight,
- possession and use of working machines and devices.
Additional service – legal protection
This additional service implies that DDOR Novi Sad will take over the obligation to handle a dispute on your behalf, defend you against unsupported or overblown claims brought against you and pay the costs of the legal procedure.
What you need to know
- Liability for pure financial claims implies that your actions or failure to act incurs damages to a third party without jeopardizing their property and health. For example, if your property underwent construction or repairs and you accidentally cut the main power line and thus left your neighbors without electricity, you caused them damages in terms of inability to produce.
- This insurance also provides coverage for liability for injuries sustained by third parties due to water and soil pollution that you had caused.
- Court costs will be borne by the insurer, even if they exceed the sum insured and the claim is unsupported.