Insurance for business free of unforeseen situations.

Your business policy for production activities
Production activities package
Make a successful business move – insure your production!
Your business policy is a comprehensive insurance package which protects your business from the most frequent risks, providing complete protection with minimum investment. Insure your property under a single policy.
If you are engaged in production activities, and your company is worth up to EUR 1.5 million and employees up to 25 people – DDOR Novi Sad has created a special product just for you!
Insurance of production activities implies insurance of construction facilities, glass surfaces, illuminated advertising signs and advertisements, equipment, stocks, as well as money and pecuniary resources.
Supplementary risk insurance, created especially for you by DDOR Novi Sad, enables you to protect the production process itself, in addition to protecting your assets.
What can you insure under this policy?
I Fire and other material losses (basic coverage)
Implies protection against the following risks – fire, thunderstrike, explosion, thunderstorm, hail, impact of own motor vehicle and own self-propelled working machine into the insured construction facility, fall of an aircraft, impact of an unknown vehicle into the insured construction facility, outflow of water from installations.
II Machinery breakdown
The subjects of insurance against breakdown are machines, machine devices, computers, electronic devices, instruments, and installations with base, bearing and foundation.
III Theft and robbery
Insurance protection covers the risk of attempted or perpetrated burglary theft or robbery, as well as malicious actions (vandalism) during burglary theft.
IV Third-party liability
This insurance covers the liability of the company owner (user or lessee of business premises) for losses which could happen to third persons and employees during the production process (or from the insured’s business activity or possession of items). Third-party liability may be arranged if risks specified under item I are insured.
Supplementary insurance
Business interruption insurance due to fire and allied perils
Implies indemnity in the event of business interruption or reduction (partial business interruption) if it results from destruction, damage to or disappearance of insured items due to fire peril (may be arranged if risks specified under item I are insured).
Insurance of stocks in the production process against dangers caused by machinery breakdown and other perils
Implies protection against mechanical, biological, chemical and similar damage to stocks in the production process, resulting from damage to or destruction of production equipment caused by an accident in the plant (may be arranged if risks specified under item II are insured).
Product liability insurance
Implies insured’s liability for damage to third persons caused by use of products released by the insured, which, due to a fault, cause: bodily injuries, illness or death of third person, damage to or destruction of items of third persons (may be arranged if risks specified under item IV are insured).
What should I do in the event of a loss occurrence?
If an insured event occurs, the level of indemnity depends on the value of the insured item at the moment of occurrence of the insured event, and in the event of damage – on the cost of repairs.
Additional discounts are approved depending on the extent of cover, contract period, and number of insured locations!
Your production is our concern too!